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添加时间:2011-1-28  添加: admin 


  #!/bin/bashNOW=`date +"%Y-%m"`;BACKUPDIR="location/of/your/backup/dir/$NOW";### Server Setup ####* MySQL login user name *#MUSER="user";#* MySQL login PASSWORD name *#MPASS="pass";#* MySQL login HOST name *#MHOST="your-mysql-ip";MPORT="your-mysql-port";# DO NOT BACKUP these databasesIGNOREDB="information_schemamysqltest"#* MySQL binaries *#MYSQL=`which mysql`;MYSQLDUMP=`which mysqldump`;GZIP=`which gzip`;# assuming that /nas is mounted via /etc/fstabif [ ! -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then mkdir -p $BACKUPDIRelse :fi# get all database listingDBS="$(mysql -u $MUSER -p$MPASS -h $MHOST -P $MPORT -Bse 'show databases')"# SET DATE AND TIME FOR THE FILENOW=`date +"d%dh%Hm%Ms%S"`; # day-hour-minute-sec format# start to dump database one by onefor db in $DBSdo DUMP="yes"; if [ "$IGNOREDB" != "" ]; then for i in $IGNOREDB # Store all value of $IGNOREDB ON i do if [ "$db" == "$i" ]; then # If result of $DBS(db) is equal to $IGNOREDB(i) then DUMP="NO"; # SET value of DUMP to "no" #echo "$i database is being ignored!"; fi done fi if [ "$DUMP" == "yes" ]; then # If value of DUMP is "yes" then backup database FILE="$BACKUPDIR/$NOW-$db.gz"; echo "BACKING UP $db"; $MYSQLDUMP --add-drop-database --opt --lock-all-tables -u $MUSER -p$MPASS -h $MHOST -P $MPORT $db | gzip > $FILE fidone

  The best part is that you only need to specify a handful of parameters to make the work. This includes BACKUPDIR (the destination for storing backups), MUSER (MySQL user), MPASS (MySQL user password), MHOST (the IP address of the MySQL server, e.g. localhost), and MPORT (the port the MySQL database is running on, default is 3306).


  You can run the manually, or you can set up a cron job which will perform backups on a regular basis. To do this, run the crontab -ecommand and add the following line (replace the sample path with the actual path and backup name):

  【你可以手动运行这一脚本,或者设置一个计划作业(a cron job)以使备份按计划自动进行。设置计划作业的方法是,运行crontab -e命令,并加入以下代码(请用实际路径和备份脚本名替换示例路径):】

  @daily /path/to/mysqlbackup.sh

  Don't forget to make the executable using the chmod a+x mysqlbackup.sh command.

  【别忘了使用chmod a+x mysqlbackup.sh命令将脚本可执行化。】


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